R e c o r d i n g s
Below are recordings of some different music styles performed by Davina Brownrigg.
For samples of choral repertoire, please click below:
Birmingham Conservatoire Chamber Choir 'Part Songs by Sir Charles Villiers Stanford'
Birmingham Conservatoire Chamber Choir 'When First Thine Eyes Unveil'
Community Music
For a sample recording from the Quench Arts 'Wavelength' Project, please click the play button to the right:
For a song created during sessions with a Leonard Cheshire Can Do Choir, please click the play button to the right:
"Bereite Dich Zion" from Bach's Christmas Oratorio.
Folk Music
"A Hero Comes Home" from the motion picture Beowulf.
Character Role
Playing a male sailor in "Dog's Life" by Michael Head.
Musical Theatre
"I'm Not That Girl" from the hit Broadway musical, Wicked.
© 2016 Davina Brownrigg